Welcome to the final chapters of 1 Samuel. We’ve read about the rise of Samuel, then Saul, and now we are reading about the trials of David as he prepares to become the next king of Israel. This chapter involves David, but the true heroine of the chapter is Abigail.
Start by reading 1 Samuel 25 for yourself, take notes, and compare what you hear from God with what I see and hear. The Bible is alive and active. You and I may not see the same things. And if you’ve missed any of the past posts of earlier chapters, you can find them all HERE.
Let’s take a look at 1 Samuel 25!
Don’t wait for a Title. Lead.
Title or position doesn’t always do justice to the function a person plays. Nabal held the title of ‘head of household’ in this story. In truth, he hasn’t been a complete failure. He managed to become very wealthy with a large flock of sheep, a large household of servants, lots of ranch hands, with the ability to provide for these and much more.

Nabal also is married to a wise and beautiful woman, Abigail, who doesn’t hold a title, but functions well in as the leader of the household and the business it entails.
Nabal (as his name suggests) was a fool with the position of leader, but it is Abigail who led in this story. Abigail stepped into chaos, and she averted what was sure to be a slaughter of her family and staff. She was quick on her feet, generous, well spoken, humble and wise. Abigail saved the day.
Don’t be fooled into believing you can’t lead simply because you haven’t been given a title. Leading is a function of doing. It’s being quick on your feet, generous, humble and wise. It’s stepping into chaos, and averting disaster.
In turn, don’t believe you are a leader (or leading well) simply because you‘ve been given the title as leader. Nabal was a fool. He was arrogant, selfish and rash. He didn’t take the time to listen to the people around him – who could have warned him and told him the truth.
Find the void of chaos in your world, and step into it. Then lead.
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