Can you believe it? You’ve read through the first half of 1 Samuel! We’ve learned about God raising up the prophet from a little boy to a man called by God. We’ve seen the rise and the beginning of the fall of Saul. However, the narrative is about to change, now we’re introduced to the greatest king in Israel’s history — David.
Start by reading 1 Samuel 16 for yourself, take notes, and compare what you hear from God with what I see and hear. God’s Word is alive and active. We don’t need to see the same things. If you’ve missed any of the past posts of earlier chapters, you can find them all HERE.
Now let’s get ready to dive in.
Anointed by God
In God’s economy there is a close relationship between leadership and anointing. God told Samuel to choose David as the next king of Israel (after a “Bethlehem Idol” show with David and his brothers). When Samuel chose David he physically anointed David with oil, so that the oil ran down his head and dripped across his body.

This physical anointing was a picture of what was spiritually happening within David.
“So as David stood there among his brothers, Samuel took the flask of olive oil he had brought and anointed David with the oil. And the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David from that day on. Then Samuel returned to Ramah.”
1 Samuel 16:13
The Holy Spirit (part of the triune God) came on David to empower him to lead. Interestingly, at the same time the opposite was happening to Saul – he was losing supernatural power.
“Now the Spirit of the Lord had left Saul, and the Lord sent a tormenting spirit that filled him with depression and fear.”
1 Samuel 16:14 NLT
Fear was a lifelong thorn in the side of Saul. It appears he also suffered from depression, but the Holy Spirit’s anointing lessened its effect and allowed Saul to function at a higher level. Saul becomes a bitter shell of himself at his best. He’s tormented by anxiety and depression, so his ability to lead is nullified.
If you are a follower of Jesus, the Holy Spirit is available to anoint you — for leadership among other things. The Holy Spirit wasn’t available to just anyone in Saul’s day, but He is now. Ask him to fill you!
He will transform you from a bad leader to a capable one (Saul), or even from a good to a great leader (David). Ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit today!
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