Most Powerful Ever?
Too many times in my life I’ve turned down opportunities. Most times the opportunities were only in my head – dreams, ideas, thoughts. No one said no but me to my dreams.
Why? Let me answer by taking a short tangent.
I was thinking the other day about the most powerful phrase or sentence that can be spoken to me or by me. Here’s my list – what would you add?
- “God, forgive me.”
- “I love you.”
- “Thank you.”
- “Let there be…”
- “No.”
- “Yes.”
- “Good morning.”
- “Let me help you.”
- “Great work!”
Go in Peace
As I continued to think and meditate on the list for a while I landed my top phrase.
“Your sins are forgiven, go in peace.”
Forgiveness from God is powerful because I can ask to be forgiven, but without the assurance of forgiveness, it’s just a hope. Truly being forgiven is powerful. Add to that the ability to forgive – completely banish my sin – is a super power.
Seriously. Think about it.
If God can forgive me, you, and the worst of sinners – it’s a power beyond words or scope.
Which brings me back to turning down dreams and opportunities. Why is this phrase so powerful,
“You are forgiven, go in peace.”
The importance lies in what forgiveness means in your life. If you’re not forgiven, or if you believe you’re not forgiven, it means:
- Fear
- Oppression
- Doubt
- Pain
- Shame
- Pride
Plus so much more…
Go with Peace
All of these things have kept me from following though on my dreams and opportunities. They have held you back too.
Today, ask for forgiveness, and believe you are forgiven.
Accept it. Then go in peace. Go with peace.
Pursue your dreams knowing you are free. You have been set free.
“They have held you back too.”
Amen. Thanks for sharing Andy.