Who’d you vote for?
Sometimes it seems beside Jesus, the most important person in our world is the person we’re voting for. President, Governor, Senator, Councilperson, School Board Member – it doesn’t matter how high or low the position, it is near and dear to our hearts.
Okay, so maybe politics – the voting kind – isn’t your thing. Maybe it’s the politics in your office, who should or shouldn’t be promoted, given a raise or let go. Maybe it’s the politics in the church, school or family. It’s so easy to get caught up in the politics of anything. Everyone falls into the trap at one time or another.
Except David.
David of all people should be worried about the politics of Israel, but David is completely unmoved by it all. He is anointed as next king of Israel. David has lived in the court of the king. He is loved by the people (they sang songs about him)! If anyone should care about politics in Israel (now that Saul is dead), it should be David.
But David doesn’t (2 Samuel 1).
He doesn’t care a lick about politics. David is concerned with anointing. David’s question is, “Has God placed this person in leadership?”
It made no earthly sense then. It makes no earthly sense now. Saul is evil. Well before his death, Saul’s days as king were done. Israel had moved on. God has moved on. It was over.
Yet David continued to honor God’s anointed – even in death!
Beyond politics.
I wish I had David’s heart. How often have I lamented about someone put into leadership by God – government, school, church or family? I wish I could be beyond politics. I don’t have David’s heart, but I can have David’s perspective.
David is acutely aware of God’s sovereignty. If God places a man into leadership; it is up to God to remove him.
God has placed President Obama, Speaker of the House John Boehner, Governor’s Brownback and Nixon (and the list can go on and on) into leadership. My opinion is irrelevant. It is up to God to remove or keep them – in His timing. It is my place to vote and to honor them.
It is my place to honor my boss. It is my place to honor my family. It is my place to honor my kid’s teachers and administration (in front of my children).
So today, don’t play politics. Choose sovereignty.
Well said.
Thanks man. Miss seeing you guys! Hope all is well…