Gotta be fast…Gotta be strong…
Old 80’s songs are a combination of joy, fascination and disappointment. Take “Holding Out for a Hero” by Bonnie Tyler.
I had no idea it was on the Flashdance soundtrack, or it was sung by Bonnie Tyler. I totally forgot Bonnie Tyler sang “Total Eclipse of the Heart”. You may have no idea about the “literal video” of “Total Eclipse of the Heart”.
Each is fun, fascinating and/or disappointing.
Which brings me back to “Holding Out for a Hero”…
Bonnie wants a hero. She wants someone fast, strong and up for the fight. Don’t we all? Better yet, don’t we all want to be the hero?
Not so fast!
Am I the hero?
I asked myself this question reflecting on Palm Sunday – the beginning of Passion week. All around the world, Christians are marking the final days of Jesus before his crucifixion and resurrection. Which include acts of betrayal, condemnation and cowardice by people surrounding Jesus.
Are you the hero?
I asked myself, “What would I do in Judas’ shoes?” I questioned, “Would I have condemned Jesus if I was the High Priest, Caiaphas?” I wondered, “What would I do in Peter’s place?”
Would I be the hero, or would I be the goat? Would I stand up for justice or betray, condemn and run?
Not so strong.
If I’m honest, I know the answer.
Too often, I betray what is true. I condemn by my actions. I run from the truth. I’m not strong. I’m not the hero.
I’m broken.
And that’s the beauty of the story. I’m not asked to be the hero. I’m not asked to be strong. I’m asked to come as I am to Jesus.
He’s the hero. He knew I would betray, condemn and run, yet He still chose to love me, accept me, die for me.
I don’t have to be strong. In fact, I need to be weak. I have a hero.
Maybe that’s the Good News everyone talks about during Easter – I don’t have to be the hero. I get to be saved.
I am enjoying these glimpses into your thoughts. I hope Kia let’s you come to SYNC again next year.
Mark – so glad you’ve been stopping by…I really appreciate it! I hope to go back to SYNC in 2017 – if Kia lets me ?