Welcome to the final chapter of walking through 1 Samuel. We witnessed the rise of Samuel, then Saul, and read about the trials of David. Today is the tragic end to Saul’s reign in Israel. What had begun with so much hope and promise ends with a flicker of pain and destruction.
Start by reading 1 Samuel 31 for yourself, take notes, and compare what you see and hear from God with what I see and hear. The Bible is alive and active. You and I may not see the same things. And if you’ve missed any of the past posts of earlier chapters, you can find them all HERE.
Let’s jump into 1 Samuel 31!
Light in Darkness
Think back to where this story began. A small boy chosen by God to be his nation’s prophet. Another young man chosen to be the first king of Israel. God’s nation uniting around that king. Yet another young hero rising up in their midst, one who can slay giants. The story had such hopeful trajectory.

Fast forward a few decades and it’s all fallen apart. The little boy grew old and passed away. The young king grew to be arrogant, obstinate and now dead without much of an heir to his throne (the perceived heir died with the king in battle). The hero (who would be king) is an outcast, and his life also in tatters. The nation is in retreat. It ends with the king and his sons dead, bodies hung on the walls of their enemies.
The darker the dark, the brighter any light shines.
In the cover of night a band of brave and nameless men perform an act of courage and selflessness. They steal the bodies of their king and princes, giving them the burial they deserve as chosen men of God.
These brave, selfless men let their light shine. How can you allow your light to shine in the darkness around you? It may take an act of bravery and courage. It may mean putting yourself in a dangerous (physical, emotional, relational) situation.
In the dark be the light.
PS – Don’t be fooled. The story isn’t over. Begin reading 2 Samuel, and see God is at work in his chosen people!
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