[quote]…do not fear them or their words…You must give them my messages whether they listen or not. -Ezekiel 2:6a & 7a[/quote]
We are called.
That is the simple truth. Each of us has been called by God in the place we are to share His truth. My calling is different than your calling, and your calling is different than our neighbor’s calling, but we are all called.
Why are we so timid about this calling? God told Ezekiel about as directly as you can imagine:
[quote float=”none”]”Don’t be afraid even though their threats surround you like nettles and briers and stinging scorpions. Do not be dismayed by their dark scowls, even though they are rebels.” -Ezekiel 2:6b[/quote]
Photo Credit: B Rosen via Flikr
Our calling can be daunting and a little scary. The world will not take kindly to hearing the truth. Our culture is continuing to shift toward an anti-Christian view, so it won’t get any easier.
We have a choice. We can either shrink back, or we can press forward. Either way…we are called.
This is the truth we can’t avoid. When we avoid what we are called to do and say, we miss out on the life God has for us.
I meet weekly with an accountability partner. We’ve talked over the past few weeks about the need to not just fight against (sin), but more importantly we need to fight for something (righteousness). This is our calling.
What are you fighting for? This is your calling.
I’m called to write, but I’ve taken my foot off the gas the last several months. This passage in Ezekiel (along with other sources – my wife, friends, etc) has inspired me to lean into my calling. This week, I’ve taken steps toward creating a this website to simply focus on writing.
What are you fighting for? What is your calling? What steps are you taking toward this call? Let me know in the comments. I would love to fight with you!
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