The following is a devotion I wrote last week for Cross Points Church. You can find these daily devotions for yourself online at
No one is happy in Numbers 11.
The people are tired of manna (11:6). Moses is tired of the people (11:14-15). God is tired of everyone (11:23).
No one is happy.
In life, happiness and contentment go hand in hand. When we are content, we are happy. When we are happy, we are content. It’s nearly impossible to be happy without being content.

The People
The Israelites struggled with contentment. How much goodness from God was good enough? Manna from heaven wasn’t enough. Water from a rock wasn’t enough. A cloud by day and fire by night wasn’t enough. God was faithful to supply their needs time and time again, yet they wanted more.
Have you ever wanted more? How you ever found yourself believing God’s goodness wasn’t enough in your life?
Luckily, the goodness and faithfulness of God has no limit. At the same time, God doesn’t honor our desire for things not from Him. Matthew Henry sums up this thought well with these words:
Those who are under the power of a carnal mind, will have their lusts fulfilled, though it be to the certain damage and ruin of their precious souls…God often grants the desires of sinners in wrath, while he denies the desires of his own people in love.
Out of love, God comes down hard on His people. Out of love God denies us some of our desires.
Now compare the people with Moses.
Moses is hoppin’ mad. He has had it with those good for nothing ‘children’! God, though, responds differently to Moses than He does the people. Why?
Let me suggest 2 reasons:
1. Moses takes his complaint to God. The people take their complaints to each other.
Moses knew where to find hope. God hates complaining, whining and gossip (talking about something with someone who has no control over the issue).
Moses overheard the people’s whining and complaining. The people were upset, but no one was talking to him or God. They were going everywhere but to the source of power. They were gossiping about God!
If you have an issue with God, take it to God. He can handle it. He’s ready for your questions and even complaints; just make sure you take it directly to Him.
2. The people want more. Moses wants less.
The Israelites are punished because of gluttony. When the quail came, they took all they needed, wanted and more. One commentator equates the least amount of quail gathered per person to 12.5 forty gallon trash bags full of quail.
That’s a lot of quail!
God struck because the people couldn’t bring themselves to rely on God. They didn’t believe God could repeat tomorrow what He’s done today.
Moses on the other hand is happy to have less & give more. Notice his reaction when Joshua runs to him with indignation in his voice, “Make them stop prophecying!” Moses isn’t greedy with God’s Spirit; he’s generous,
I wish all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put His spirit upon them all!
Where is your heart? Is it to give more and take less? This is what God wants for us.
Fight to be content. Fight to be happy.
Are you unhappy? You probably aren’t content with your life. To be fair, there are times we shouldn’t be content with our lives. We shouldn’t be content with where we are in life. It should be a kick in the pants to get going.
However, we should be content with where God has put us. We need to be content with what God has given us. Contentment is a battle we must fight on a daily basis. It’s a prayer that should be close to our lips.
“Help me to want less, give more and take my complaints to You God!”
God is ready to listen, and He is honored when we deny ourselves for His glory. Be happy. Be content.
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