I have 4 kids (2 girls and 2 boys). When my daughters, were 2 years (Kessa) and 6 months old (Sephine) they were in a horrible automobile accident. The car they were riding in flipped over head first traveling 65 miles an hour down the highway. The SUV was beyond totaled.
Looking back, a lot of things are a blur about that day, but here are two things I’ll never forget.
- Sephine was in a rear facing car seat, and Kessa in a forward facing seat. Had Kessa been sitting on the side Sephine was in she would have been crushed in the accident.
- That week I was fasting.
Every once in a while, we talk about that accident. They were too young to remember it, but they know the details as well as we do. A huge part of the story is God protecting them. Neither Kia or I were riding in the car, but God was present. His grace, mercy and angels took command that day.
Even as I write this, my eyes are tearing up thinking about God’s goodness. It’s a truth I’ve seen in my life over and over. It’s a truth I am beginning to see in my kids lives too. I don’t want to hide it from them.
It’s a part of our story. It’s a part of their story. It’s a part of God’s story
A command to parents (and friends).
This week, the lead pastor of our church shared with the staff Psalms 78. It’s a long chapter, but these are 3 key verses (Psalm 78:2b-4):
I will teach you hidden lessons from our past—stories we have heard and known,stories our ancestors handed down to us.We will not hide these truths from our children;we will tell the next generationabout the glorious deeds of the lord,about his power and his mighty wonders.
God tells us in this passage to share His stories with our children. The chapter goes on to remind the reader of some of the incredible things God has done over the generations. It also warns against forgetting and/or ignoring the history of God.

We are to share the story of God with our children. Part of that story is Genesis, Revelation and everything in-between – the Bible. The other part of that story is what God has done in your life.
Teaching the story.
If your kids, grandkids, neighbor kids, friend’s kids go to church, hopefully they are hearing God’s story. A goal I have for the kids at my church is they learn the story of God, and thankfully they are. But this is only part of the story God is telling. It’s just the beginning (and a blurred vision of the end with Revelation).
What these same kids don’t hear in a church setting is the story of God in your life. They don’t learn from us the miraculous and tender things God has done for you. Kids need to hear those stories. It builds faith in their lives.
Here’s a catch…you may not feel there is much of a story to tell.
There is.
Your kids need to hear it. Part of your story might be before you were even God. It might be a time when you simply knew something greater and bigger than you was watching out for you.
Your story is integral to the story of God in kids lives. It’s a part of their history. It helps them understand how they fit into God’s story.
The writer of Psalm 78 declares he will not hide the truths of God from our children. My prayer, hope and encouragement for you is the same.
Don’t hide God’s truths from your kids.
Thank you, Andy. This is really good. I didn’t know (or don’t remember) this story. What a terrifying thing. But you have extracted the right perspective on it. This is very helpful.
Ed – thanks for the comment. Yes, this was an unforgettable moment in my life. I think you had already moved on to Texas when this happened.