We’re all creative geniuses…in some form. I was reminded of this fact watching a video earlier this week. Ron Dawson shared a video he created of his 6 year-old son building a Lego masterpiece (everything you build with Lego’s is a masterpiece).
The point of the video is to share the common processes any artist goes through to create a project.
The video struck a chord with me for 3 reasons:
- I have a 6-year-old son who is crazy about Lego’s.
- I was a 6-year-old boy who was crazy about Lego’s.
- I’m an artist creating/building a project.
I posted this as a comment on Ron’s blog, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. There was something more…
We all create in unique ways.
This is not a new subject for me. I’ve written it before. Everyone is creative.
I’ve learned creativity cannot be defined with one or two molds. In the past, I fell into the trap of believing I was not creative because I wasn’t like (fill in the blank). The truth is I am creative. I’m simply not creative like (fill in the blank). The truth is you are creative. You’re simply not creative like (fill in the blank).
You probably think my creative outlet is writing, and you’re right. However, there is more to me than writing.
I am also love the process of building an organization. I love to figure out how to build, grow and lead an organization (business, ministry, team, family, etc).
I love learning new technologies and applying them to my work and life. For me that is a very creative process. Learn and apply.
What are your unique, creative outlets?
To be most successful at what you do, you need to funnel your energy in areas where you excel. You need to spend your time where you are most creative.
Most of you will list photography as an area you are creative, but where are your other talents? Take a look at Ron’s video. What comes to mind when looking at his son work. What do you think about when Ron is describing what he sees?
Building Blocks of Artistry from Ron Dawson on Vimeo.
When I watched it, writing and organization building came to mind. The video has nothing to do with those 2 areas of creativity. It’s very generic in that sense, but I immediately went to those areas.
Here are 2 more posts to look at if you want more on the subject of creativity.
- 5 Ingredients of Creativity.
- Creativity is fun. Work is hard. Do more work.
- Creativity and Innovation are closely linked…(bonus link)
Image courtesy of Stock.Xchng
I’m so glad the video inspired you Andy. One of the things that really struck me about my son’s legging building that day (and every day) is how easy it is for him to move on to the next project. It kills me sometimes to see him kick over or smash an elaborate Legos model he’s done. But he gets so much joy from the process of making it. Once it’s done, he really is ready to move on. I think a lot of creatives are like that. (Thank goodness my wife started taking photos of all his creations. We’re thinking of putting a book together. But at least we have pictures to remember).
Thanks for the shout out and for sharing the video.
I remember doing the same thing as a kid, but something clicked in me around 3rd or 4th grade. I began to build and keep or improve on what I built (my favorites, destroying the others). In fact my mom kept my old Legos and pulled them out the other day for my son. Some of my creations still were intact. From probably 6th-7th grade – 25 years ago.