Last year, Kia and a friend each chose a word to strive for during 2011. I loved the idea, and chose freedom for myself.
I wrote about it throughout 2011. Here are some of my favorite posts:
- Child-like. Expanse. Videos that represent these feelings.
- Open space
- May Update – Danny MacAskill
- Ask. Believe. Receive.
- It’s the Journey.
- Open Space 2
- March Update – Driving out of the fog.
- Where it all began.
It is now 2012.
I am ready to choose a new word. I loved what I gained by searching for what freedom meant for me in 2011 (and beyond). I want to repeat that experience.
During this process, I realized the importance of “being intentional”. Freedom comes (to those of us who live in free countries) by living intentionally.
Freedom comes by choosing to be free.
I assumed “intentional” would be my word for 2012. I want to live life more intentionally.
However, there is something more for me. What I want comes only from being intentional about it.
My word for 2012 is…
Which brings me to my word of the year – my word for 2012.
I have a feeling 2012 will bring big choices and opportunities for me, Kia and our family. It will require risk.
Anything worth living for requires some amount of risk. It’s time to risk something in my life.
Choosing the word risk alone feels like a risk. It’s not safe. Intentional is safe. Risk is scary. It means at some point I will be out of control. It will be up to “fate”. It’s a risk.
What about you?
Will you join me? Risk most likely isn’t your word for 2012. However, I’m sure there is something you want in your life.
Choose a word. Explore what it means. Take a risk.
Be brave (take a risk). Share your word here.
Header image courtesy of Flickr/The Fayj
I didn’t realize it till you posted it, but risk is the basis of my life since I moved back to my home state this summer. Beginning a new enterprise, learning how to build a good website, putting myself out there for anybody who happens to see it to read, publishing a book, being single again after being married 24 years! All of it says risk and to be honest, RISK is the most exciting word I have seen you use. I like RISK.
Can’t wait to see what posts you build around RISK.
Andy thanks for choosing this word for 2012. I think that the risk is part of our life..we’ve to dream and to porsuit them,by risking sometimes. Risk is part of my life since I’m a photographer..when I buy a new expensive lens I risk…I think that American and European people have a different approach to the risk and I’m studying the way you approach the entrepreneurial activity. Many thanks!:)
Risk for the sake of risk is dangerous. Calculated risk is what I’m looking for. Nevertheless I’m excited to see what this leads to…
Finally getting to this post and am glad I did!
After a personal loss in 2011, and after putting my photography business basically on hold for the last 6 months, I am looking to 2012 with great anticipation, aware of the the potential it holds.
CONSISTENCY. That’s my word. I must consistent in my spiritual growth, consistent in continuing my photography education, consistent with my customer service, consistent with my office hours, consistent with marketing, creatively consistent, etc., etc., etc.
(Discipline has a negative connotation to me, so I chose consistency. But, in all honesty, I need to be better disciplined this year.)
Thanks for making us think!
Happy New Year, Andy!
Kia’s word last year was “stewardship”. In a sense it was a desire to be more consistent with all she/we already had.
Great choice & blessings on you journey this year!
My life has always flowed well and I’ve been happy. Certainly not without challenges, they’ve always made their way in, but I seemed fairly easily to make my way through them.
Then things switched. Over the last few years hardships became a steady presence in my life with family struggles, a serious health problem, challenging business issues, diminished income due to a sluggish economy… to stay alive, to stay sane, I had to keep moving through it all. It was painful, tears were a steady companion, drama was a mainstay but I kept moving and everyday doing what I thought I could or should do. I would say to myself just keep going onward. At times things seemed hopeless but I never allowed that to overtake me. Time kept going and things began to work out. Often different than I had imagined them, but things got better. Therefore my word that kept me going throughout the most difficult period in my life, is my word choice for 2012, Onward.
What else if funny, is despite all of that anguish, I made a photo book of times with my family from last year, 2011. If you looked through the images of nature, family, and love, you’d never know the struggles we endured. I never took life for granted, but now I’m grateful, extremely so for every single minute of joy that comes my way.
(it’s early, I hope all that made sense)
First of all, thanks for sharing. I appreciate your openness.
Onward is a beautiful word, and I completely understand those thoughts and feelings. Doing what you gotta do…because you just gotta do.
Be encouraged – Spring is coming!