The older I get the more I appreciate Easter as a religious holiday – beyond family gatherings, Easter egg huts, baby animals, and fake grass. I find meaning in the old passing away, and the new coming to life.
I write a lot about life and hope on The Collective. I know there are all types of backgrounds and beliefs of you who read The Collective regularly. I am careful to speak in general terms, but let me take this opportunity (Easter morning) to share where my belief in life and my eternal hope comes from.
Where I find hope.
From the book of Matthew, chapter 28:
5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus Who was nailed to the cross. 6 He is not here! He has risen from the dead as He said He would. Come and see the place where the Lord lay. 7 Run fast and tell His followers that He is risen from the dead. He is going before you to the country of Galilee. You will see Him there as I have told you.” 8 They went away from the grave in a hurry. They were afraid and yet had much joy. They ran to tell the news to His followers.
Christ was crucified and died for my “stuff”. Yet He also rose from the dead, so I can have life – true life – with Him. This is where my hope comes from. This is the life I want for myself, my family, you.
We’re different.
I understand you may see things differently. I’m okay with that. I hope you’re okay with that.
No matter what you believe, have a wonderful Easter! Enjoy your traditions and your family.
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Just had to comment here – I know it’s several weeks past Easter. But, I just found this. It is rare for a business to convey their personal religions beliefs for fear of “offending” anyone. I appreciate your openness regarding your Christianity. I share your beliefs, and enjoyed reading this post.
Janet –
Sometimes things need to be said despite what is or isn’t believed by others. I appreciate your encouragement 🙂