What I need in a movie…
Yeah, the bar is pretty low.
What I really want, though, is someone with a supernatural amount of courage. You are probably the same. It’s why movies like Schindler’s List, The Shawshank Redemption, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings and It’s a Wonderful Life all made IMDb’s top 30 movies (voted on by fans).
Each of those movies have in it an underlying theme of courage. People love stories of incredible courage.
Leading your family (or anything) takes courage.
In our minds, leading a family, a business, a meeting, etc doesn’t have the same sexy quality those movies do. Don’t be fooled…it takes the same amount or more courage to lead anything with counter cultural values!
Discipling your 2 year-old after a long day of work is not easy. Telling them to go to bed may as well be defying an evil regime (a la Schindler’s List or Star Wars).
Confronting your teenager on their attitude can feel like you are walking into full-on 12th century battle (The Lord of the Rings anyone?). It is the last thing you want to do at 7:30 in the morning.
Facing down the banker intent on putting you out of business (like It’s a Wonderful Life) has nothing on making your elementary-aged son take a bath.
Parenting takes courage.
You can make a similar list for leading your business. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to start and run a business day after day.
How to find courage?
“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9
The famous verse in Joshua 1 (above) tells us to be strong and courageous when carrying out God’s commands. Parenting and leading is a command of God. Where do we find that courage?
Reading the first several chapters of Joshua give us some insight on how Joshua found (and lost) courage. Here are 3 ways to have the courage you need to lead:
1. Act.
When you know what to do…do it. Don’t give yourself time to be afraid. Act.
2. Plan (in faith).
When you have a good plan, you’ll have more courage. You can’t know everything though, so plan in faith!
3. Obey.
Sin disconnects us from God. When we’re disconnected from God we’re unsure of ourselves and fearful. Obedience to God’s word gives us the courage to walk forward with confidence.
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