Chicken or the Egg
Any great cause, organization, business or strategy has an equally great leader.
Growing up, my mom told me time after time, I was a leader. An interesting thing happens when you are told something over and over – it happens. It’s definitely the chicken or the egg debate. Am I a leader because I was told I was? Was I told I was a leader because I was one?
Either way, my mom’s words shaped me. I love leading. I love learning about leading.
Because of this, I enjoy the story of King David from the Bible. David was a leader of men.
Even in the dark times, David was a leader. Consider these two examples from the story of David’s life in 1 Samuel 22.
1. Everywhere he went, David gathered a crowd.
Leaders draw others to their vision or cause. Sometimes the leader calls people himself, and other times people slowly gravitate to him. Most times it is a little of both.
This is the case with David. First he calls his family to his cave hideout in Moab. Then a group of men slowly begins to appear at his front door.
If you call yourself a leader, there better be people following you. Not only that, but they should be following you for both reasons. You’ve called, and they’ve followed. They’ve followed because of who you are and what you represent.
2. David transformed scum into an army.
The group David inherits isn’t the cream of the crop. He finds a group of 400 malcontents, debtors and troublemakers – not ideal candidates for a crack, special forces squad. Yet as a great leader, David trained the ones he had into quality, skilled team members.
Who have you been given? Most likely you’ve got some scummier types, but you’ve got some gold too. What will you do with them? This will define you as a leader.
Who are you called to?
If you can master these two things, chances are you will be the kind of leader people will follow to the ends of the earth and die for. This is what David has in his band of brothers.
Here’s the thing though. Not only should we strive to be that type of leader, but we need this type of leader in our lives. David’s men felt called to him. We need someone we feel called to.
Thankfully, I have that leader. I’m called to a guy named David Jones (not that Davy Jones). A team has formed around him – some of us debtors, some of us malcontents, some of us troublemakers. By the grace of God, he is shaping us into quality, skilled team members.
Who are you called to?
It may be a manager at work. It could be a leader at your church. It could be a coach or teacher. It could be another leader in your life.
Who are you following? Answering this question could literally change your life. Answering this question changed the lives of 400 men who together changed the future of a kingdom. Centuries later, answering this question changed a group of another 12 men who together changed the world.
Who are you called to?
Your mom is a great lady. So honest. So real. I loved sharing life with her in the Swygards’ home group so many years ago. Please give her my regards when you see her.
I’ll let her know Bob – thanks!