Day 10 – Genesis 46
Last month I read through the story of Joseph in the Bible (Genesis 37-50). Each day I was challenged to share what I learned. Here was my insight into Genesis 46
Start packing!
“Joseph is alive and well, leading the famine relief program in Egypt!”
“He’s the top lieutenant to Pharaoh.”
“We can move to Egypt, and our present troubles are solved!”
This is the news to come back to Joseph’s father Jacob. It’s great but disconcerting information. All at once, it’s a glance to the past and a glimpse into the future.

“I am God, the God of your father,” the voice said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make your family into a great nation.” Genesis 46:3 NLT
Jacob and his family’s homestead was more than just a nice place to live. It was a promise from God to his grandfather, Abraham. It was part of the sign of the covenant between this people and their God. Oh, and the Egyptians hated the Hebrews.
“…for the Egyptians despise shepherds.” Genesis 46:34
Jacob didn’t just leaving his home. He left the promise of God for 300+ years of pain and suffering. I don’t know why God ordained it, okayed it, even encouraged it, but He did. God used it to build a nation.
The promises you have from God won’t come without pain. It’s possible they won’t come in your lifetime (300 years?!). Yet believe this: God’s promises are true and faithful. If you are a believer in Jesus, there is covenant between your God and you. I don’t have the space to tell you what that means for us. Covenant is the game changer.
Know this about covenant, it sees your past, understands your present, but looks forward to your future (pain and all). Most importantly, it means, God is in it.
Daily Blessing: God, I choose to believe you can take my past and my present, and You can create a future for myself and my family.
Daily Challenge: Are you questioning a promise from God because of the current pain you are experiencing? Take time today to talk with God about it. Ask Him if He will remain faithful to His covenant with you.
Miss a day? Find it here:
- Day 1: Genesis 37 – Joseph: A Story of Redemption
- Day 2: Genesis 38 – Judah: A Road to Redemption
- Day 3: Genesis 39 – Joseph: The Presence is Strong in this One
- Day 4: Genesis 40 – Joseph: Ain’t Nobody Got Time for This
- Day 5: Genesis 41 – Joseph: Skills to Pay the Bills
- Day 6: Genesis 42 – Joseph: Finding Freedom in the Truth
- Day 7: Genesis 43 – Jacob: Squeezed into Decision
- Day 7b: Genesis 43 – Judah: It’s you and me
- Day 8: Genesis 44 – Judah: A
180 degree change - Day 9: Genesis 45 – Joseph: Better over bitter
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