Motorbikes and Music Videos
When I was a kid I spent what felt like hours in the car going to and from events and practices and school and errands and relatives and everywhere in between. During these rides in the car, I did a lot of daydreaming too.
One of the most vivid daydreams I had was of riding a motor bike along the side of the road as we drove. I imagined myself jumping the hills, screaming down the valleys and doing any number of awesome tricks.

Another daydream was of me doing incredible soccer or basketball or baseball moves perfectly timed to whatever song played on the radio. In my head, I created music/highlight videos of myself.
I was pretty awesome.
Some things never change.
I was reminded of this daydream while driving my 10 year old son to a soccer game. My kids childhood is no different than mine – they have logged hours and hours of riding in the car. As we drove to his game, I was flipping through the stations, finding something to listen to on the radio.
My normal routine is to find a good talk radio station, and soak in some meaningless information. If nothing interesting is on, I’ll flip over to the FM dial to find some music.
This past Saturday morning, I was concurrently aware of my son’s presence and of my own past daydreams. I wondered what he did while riding in the car. What did he daydream of?
Information vs Inspiration
Without dreams we never move forward. Without a dream to chase after we remain stuck, and even worse we begin to decay. The first step to a dream worth pursuing is daydreaming.
This leads me back to the hours all of us spend in the car. Most of those hours are spent listening to something.
If you’re like me, you listen to talk of some sort – political talk radio, sports talk radio, Christian talk radio – lots of talk. There’s nothing wrong with talk radio, but it doesn’t do the same thing music does.
Talk radio informs.
Music inspires.
As a kid, the dreams I had of doing something usually were accompanied by music. The music inspired me to do something greater, even if now I see it was unrealistic (a 360, tomahawk, between the legs dunk was never in my cards).
I need more inspiration and less information.
Information is great, but only when it’s the right information at the right time. Otherwise it’s information that simply fills space in our head.
The last couple of weeks, I’ve been conscious to include more music into my car riding habits.
I want to dream because when I dream, I can ATTACK.
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