Day 12 – Genesis 48
Last month I read through the story of Joseph in the Bible (Genesis 37-50). Each day I was challenged to share what I learned. Here was my insight into Genesis 48.
Blessed to bless
The story is wrapping up. Joseph has become an amazing leader, he’s been reunited with his brothers, and he’s saved his family from starvation. The story turns to his father, Jacob, who is in his last stages of life.
Jacob calls for Joseph and his two sons. It’s custom for the father to lay hands on his sons to bless them at the end of his life. Jacob formally adopts Joseph’s boys as his own (doubling Joseph’s inheritance), and he pronounced a blessing over them.
When Jacob asked if the boys are with Joseph, this is how he responded:
““ Yes,” Joseph told him, “these are the sons God has given me here in Egypt.” Genesis 48:9

Egypt wasn’t home for Jacob or Joseph. It wasn’t a place of blessing. Canaan was the place blessed and promised by God. Jacob mentions it in this chapter. Canaan is perfection. Egypt is a cheap substitute.
Yet, God used the imperfect Egypt in Joseph’s life. God used Egypt to redeem Joseph. God used Egypt to save Joseph’s family. God even blessed Joseph with children in Egypt.
Too often I wait for the perfect time, perfect place, perfect person to do the thing I feel called to. What a waste! God can bless the imperfect places of life, so I don’t need to wait for perfection to act.
The place you’re in right now, God can bless. Like Joseph early in the story (Day 3 – Genesis 39), take God’s presence with you and work hard. This is what God blesses.
Daily Blessing: May you find peace, healing, and freedom in the imperfect world we are surrounded.
Daily Challenge: Are you waiting for the perfect situation (day, time, location, person) in order to take a step forward? Don’t wait! Move today toward the place God has for you.
Miss a day? Find it here:
- Day 1: Genesis 37 – Joseph: A Story of Redemption
- Day 2: Genesis 38 – Judah: A Road to Redemption
- Day 3: Genesis 39 – Joseph: The Presence is Strong in this One
- Day 4: Genesis 40 – Joseph: Ain’t Nobody Got Time for This
- Day 5: Genesis 41 – Joseph: Skills to Pay the Bills
- Day 6: Genesis 42 – Joseph: Finding Freedom in the Truth
- Day 7: Genesis 43 – Jacob: Squeezed into Decision
- Day 7b: Genesis 43 – Judah: It’s you and me
- Day 8: Genesis 44 – Judah: A
180 degree change - Day 9: Genesis 45 – Joseph: Better over bitter
- Day 10: Genesis 46 – Jacob: Say goodbye, Say hello
- Day 11: Genesis 47 – Joseph: Where you go...
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