What can you learn about God in a random Old Testament chapter? Is God angry? God’s not angry, but our enemy is. Who are you serving?
Communion: Graham Crackers and Juice Boxes?
Why does communion matter? It is much more than just the bread and the wine. It’s about covenant, but it also is all about the bread and wine.
Jacob: Say goodbye, Say hello
Covenant sees your past, understands your present , but looks forward to your future (pain and all). Most importantly, it means, God is in it.
Why does God matter?
Does marriage even matter? Yesterday, I jumped into my “work” truck to run an errand. It was tuned to a talk radio station I don’t normally listen to. I entered in the middle of two young women’s discussion about marriage. Both, as far as I could tell, were in serious relationships, but not married. Definitely one, and […]