The 7 Year Itch. Last night, I couldn’t sleep. I began a long conversation with myself when this happens, and for some odd reason I listed all the major life milestones passed in one 7 year stretch. I started with the year I turned 18: Graduated from high school (1992 at age 18) Kia and […]
4 steps to escape the Trough of Sorrow
The Trough of Sorrrow While on vacation in June, I ran across this post on the 8Bit blog (8Bit is the creator of The Collective’s WordPress template – Standard Theme). John Saddington shared the below graphic/timeline of a start-up business. It specifically refers to a tech start-up (which will be sold or go public). The […]
Need help? Then start the process.
A Good Samaritan. Last week, I did something I am not prone to do…I became a Good Samaritan. Kia and I were near the Branson, Missouri area running a few errands while on vacation. I pulled out of Walgreens, and in front of me was a car stalled in the middle of the intersection. I […]
The end of the Rockstars…
I hate the term “Rockstar” The use of the term “Rockstar” is one of my pet peeves. I’m sure you’ve heard it tossed around at your local, state or national photography convention. “That guy…he’s a real rockstar!” Maybe it was when the next speaker was introduced, “Please welcome one of the newest photography rockstars…” It’s […]
stop. breathe. look. be grateful. be a blessing.
TED = Inspiration. One of my favorite places to go on the internet for inspiration is the TED channel. TED stands for Technology, Education, Design, and they host forums of presenters all over the world. These presenters give short (5-15 minute) lectures on almost any subject but mostly within the 3 core categories of Technology, […]
You know you’re a fighter if…
I’ve now taken 2 extended road trips with my family this year (once to Florida and another to Colorado). Here’s a reality I’m learning as a father to a pre-teen daughter: When stuck in a car for 30+ hours over a few days you will learn a lot of Top 40 songs. I am now […]
How to take a break (without being idle).
A long (cool) vacation. Last Friday, Kia and I returned with our family from a 12 day vacation. It’s the longest vacation we’ve had in years, and it marks the 2nd double digit vacation we’ve taken this year. It’s one of the priorities we set when we attended the Storyline Conference in June of 2011. […]
RIP Sam Wagner.
Life is short. I just learned a high school friend passed away from a tough battle with cancer. Sam was a son, dad, friend, artist, athlete and loved life. It felt like he was living life on his terms. Here’s a video he made last Fall highlighting his art. I have 2 simple thoughts as […]
4 tips to declare independence (today).
Happy 4th of July! Tomorrow we celebrate Independence Day in America. I honestly got confused about what actually happened on this date in 1776. I knew it had to do with the Declaration of Independence, but what happened in what order? My history lessons from 20 years ago failed me (sorry Mr Hoduski…my high school […]
Have you gotten soft? 4 values of hard work.
2 BIG Projects In the past few weeks I’ve completed 2 big projects that required an amount of hard, physical labor on my part. A beautiful garden First, I promised Kia a set of raised garden beds for her Mother’s Day gift. I spent a weekend doing research, gathering materials, building and installing the boxes. […]