Kia and I just got back from a several day trip to Portland, Oregon, and I have to say that Portland is both a beautiful and inspiring city. Portland is full of artistic and creative people who have made their downtown (and I assume beyond) a wonderful place to visit and live. We chose to […]
3 ways to stay INNOVATIVE
Kia and I are in Portland, Oregon attending The Storyline Conference sponsored and featuring author Don Miller. I look forward to sharing more with you about the conference. I thought I would share a few articles from before the true beginning of The Collective. Innovation is tough. Truly being different, unique, inventive is not easy. […]
Pursuing dreams – Is it all worth it?
I attend a church that believes in God speaking through people to other people. Some people call it prophesy; others call it words of encouragement. Basically the belief is that God isn’t limited to the Bible (though that’s the touchstone), but He and His voice is alive. As I was sitting in service last Sunday, […]
Word of the Year – an update
For 2011, I chose a word to represent my year. Freedom. My goal is to see freedom throughout various areas of my life. The Collective is one expression of freedom for me. It’s a new way of creating and building that I didn’t feel I had the opportunity to do before. One of the things […]
What are you investing into your clients?
I didn’t enter my the business world as my adult life was beginning. I started out as a professional minister. For 10 years I worked with kids, teens and parents in a couple of Kansas City churches. That beginning has given me a different way of operating business. With that thought in mind, let me ask […]
Ask. Believe. Receive.
I struggle with confidence sometimes. I have a hard time believing in the old proverb, “Good things come to those who wait.” Then I’m surprised when great stuff happens. Those three sentences wrap up this past week for me. As much as I accomplished, I felt like it wasn’t enough. I’ve paid too close attention […]
It’s the journey stupid. 3 Ways to enjoy the journey.
A few weeks ago, I read a post on the Accidental Creative about setting a goal and achieving it only to feel let down. I know that feeling. Do you? I’m a guy, one strike against me. I’m driven, second strike against me. I’m task oriented, strike three. I have a hard time taking on […]
You need hope? Be a Quitter.
Throughout the last 5-6 years of meeting photographers on a regular basis, whether it be in trade shows or conferences, on the phone, via email or a forum; I’ve found a significant shift. I’ve seen the average photographer go from a person who is full-time in the business and makes a majority of their household income […]
The death and resurrection of dreams – Happy Easter!
Today is Easter. That probably is not shock to most people. I think it’s not a surprise to anyone who has been following me for anytime that I am a Christian; a pretty devout Christian at that. That makes today important. I actually am writing this on Friday – Good Friday – the day that […]
Moving beyond fear, doubt and worry – it’s not about me.
Last Sunday, I made this simple note for myself. It’s not about me. The note came from the sermon I was listening to at church. It was in reference to more spiritual things, but I applied it to business. It’s a broad principle that goes way beyond my business, the photography business, or anything in […]