Compare and Contrast Remember that old exercise compare and contrast from school? I think God is playing this game with the Israelites. The first few chapters of the book of Joshua in the Bible are full of comparing and contrasting events with Moses and Joshua. Consider these events: God commands the people through His leader (Exodus […]
No one was happy…
The following is a devotion I wrote last week for Cross Points Church. You can find these daily devotions for yourself online at Happy. No one is happy in Numbers 11. The people are tired of manna (11:6). Moses is tired of the people (11:14-15). God is tired of everyone (11:23). No one is happy. […]
Ever lose your oomph?
I love leadership A few weeks ago, I read Joshua 18 and wrote this note: Leaders Push: Joshua pushed the people to follow through on God’s commands and promises. Good leaders push people to do more than they would on their own. They push them to think higher and go farther. Leaders lead. Leaders push. Leaders make […]
Big guns and bigger explosions!
What I need in a movie… I’m like most guys when it comes to movies. Though I can sit through a romantic comedy most days, I’m a sucker for big guns and bigger explosions. I like it when the good guy has insurmountable odds in order to overcome evil. I’m able to suspend reality for 2 […]