Simon Sinek has given, what I feel, is one of the best TED talks ever. Despite some technical difficulties and low-tech methods of sharing, Sinek gives a 20 minute talk that wraps up why some businesses fail (or fail to be incredible) and other businesses are GREAT. You can watch the video at the end […]
Wrapping up The Collective
I’m always amazed at where traffic come from each week. Some weeks it’s obvious an influential person shared via email, tweet or Facebook. Other weeks it’s a great post that goes viral. This week it was a month old post that gained new life – Amy Knollmeyer’s Real Life Example of Growing a HS Senior […]
Authority is earned.
That’s it. Nothing fancy. Nothing flowery. The title says it all. Authority is earned. If you want respect from peers, clients, friends, the industry, family, spouse, then earn it. If you haven’t received the authority you feel you’ve earned in a business, job, relationship, etc then you have 2 choices. Do what it takes to […]
Steve Jobs wasn’t always GREAT. Thank God he learned.
I had an interesting conversation with a guy on Twitter over the last few weeks about Steve Jobs. It boils down to this: He believes that Steve Jobs has always been the GREAT visionary leader that the world sees him as now (and the world saw him as such 10-15 years ago when he took […]
Focused intensity over time = Steve Jobs
I think we can all agree in Steve Jobs we lost a great innovator and business leader on Wednesday. That night as I watched the news coverage of his death, I was struck by 2 things. Jobs was the definition of what Dave Ramsey describes as his Momentum Theorem. What could we create if we had […]
Reclaim Monday morning, or how to escape from past success.
My love/hate relationship with Mondays. I write this on Monday morning. My office is behind a beauty salon, which is closed on Mondays. I love Mondays because it’s quiet. I can think easily without having to block out the sound of hair dryers, clippers or local gossip. Monday also seems to be the day I […]
Google shares how find your next BIG idea.
I admit I’ve done it. I’ve ignored the amazing feats Google has accomplished over the past 10 years because of Apple’s amazing story. Google is an innovation machine. They, much like Apple, are constantly pushing and changing the way we look at the world. Google, though, views this process much different from Apple. Google shares. […]
When is it time to quit?
When is it time to move on? I received this question from a friend last week. She had an extremely difficult time with a client, and she was at the end of her rope. The criticism stung – worse than losing money. She wanted to know if her business had reached a peak, and now […]
Word of the Year Update: decisions & responsibility.
I’m a process person. Typically, I need time to process my feeling and thoughts on a subject. Kia sent me a post from The Happiness Project on the subject of Drift several weeks ago. I’ve looked at several times knowing I like it, but not really sure why. Finally, I noticed this definition from the […]
Building yourself into a creative genius.
We’re all creative geniuses…in some form. I was reminded of this fact watching a video earlier this week. Ron Dawson shared a video he created of his 6 year-old son building a Lego masterpiece (everything you build with Lego’s is a masterpiece). The point of the video is to share the common processes any artist […]