As you read this, I can about guarantee you that I am literally wrapping. With 4 kids and an entire extended family to gift, we have a lot of gifts to wrap. I hope and pray that you have a very Merry Christmas tomorrow with your family and loved ones! Monday December contest. Win a […]
The week is over. It’s time to wrap.
This week, I spent a few days with Kia visiting her brothers brand new twin boys. They are less than 2 weeks old! Life is a blessing. I also was able to visit friends who have fought hard the past year to regain their footing after a rough 2010. Life is worth fighting for. I […]
It’s Saturday. Let’s wrap.
I was looking at the calendar earlier this week. It’s amazing to me how at the same time Christmas/New Years can feel so far away and so close. I’m sure you are feeling the pressure even more than I am. It’s almost over 🙂 Here is a list of everything you’ve missed while scrambling to […]
6 steps to move your business from Winter to Summer.
Yesterday, I compared the first snow of the winter in Kansas City to your business. Specifically I related the first snow as the unofficial signal of the arrival of winter to moments in your business signaling change. I had more thoughts as I wrote. In particular, recognizing a signal that your business needs to go […]
The weekly wrap on The Collective
As I sit here to prepare this post I can hardly believe that it was just this past weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving. I seem to have done so much in the past week that Thanksgiving seems weeks in the past. I hope that you had a beautiful weekend with your friends and family. I did. […]
November’s top 10 posts on The Collective
I love stats. I can get lost in stats. For that reason, I love Google analytics. If you have a website, it’s a must for you to install. Here are some things I picked up about The Collective from Google analytics. Of The Collective’s overall pageviews over 50% came from the last 3 months, which […]
10 Books that shaped my life. pt 2
Yesterday I ran out of space writing my list of 10 most impacting books on my life. I had to stop at 5. If you missed yesterday’s article, find books 1-5 HERE. 2 notes before I get into 6-10. The list is not in any order. Book 1 doesn’t necessarily have greater importance than book […]
10 Books that shaped my life.
When someone asks me if I’m a reader, I’m never sure how to answer that question. I do like to read, and I am reading all the time. Everyday I have a list of blogs, news outlets and more that I peruse. However, I read books in spurts – usually 2-3 in a row, then […]
20 Things I’m thankful for. What about you?
This will be my last post of the week. I’m taking some time off for Thanksgiving. I’ll be back with great new information on Monday. Tuesday I’ll be introducing December’s Submission contest…it’s going to be HUGE! I read a nice post last week from Michael Hyatt. It’s perfect for Thanksgiving. I encourage you to read […]
NO. The most powerful word in your business. Pt 2
This is part 2 of 2 in using THE most powerful word in your life and business to produce freedom. Read part 1 on how hearing “No,” produces Freedom. Freedom is worth dying for. If the above statement is true, why do we continually give FREEDOM away? First, freedom is worth dying for. On a […]