Beyond Usual Limits My 2016 Word of the Year is BOLD. It’s the next step for me following 2015 – ATTACK. For the last 2 weeks, I’ve been praying, thinking and dreaming about BOLD. Sometimes it’s been exciting, and sometimes it’s scary. When I’m truly BOLD, I’m beyond myself. defines BOLD as – not hesitating […]
2016 Word of the Year | BOLD
The ‘C’ word Can you imagine one word changing the entire trajectory of your life? As hard as it may seem to believe, it’s possible. One word can radically change your story. I know this because one word, five years ago, began a snowball of change and growth in my life. Which brings me to the […]
Word of the Year | What I learned from ATTACK in 2015
ATTACK | Word of the Year 2015 2015 was the 5th year of the Word of the Year project for me. Each year has been it’s own unique and different experience, and as I look back I see how important each word has been for my life – both in that year and beyond. His a […]
Word of the Year | Something from Nothing
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. -Genesis 1:1-3 Something from Nothing It’s hard for us […]
Christmas: Brighter and Brighter
Merry Christmas! Is your life better now that it was a year ago? 5 years ago? 10? 40? Wondering where the Merry Christmas is? I’ve been pondering this question this week.I’m wrapping up a video devotional series focusing on The Word. Monday the devotional was centered on this passage of scripture: 1In the beginning the Word […]
God doesn’t always make sense.
Miracle! Years ago, my daughters miraculously survived a massive car wreck. While their babysitter was driving home on a local highway, something fell off the back of the truck in front of her. She couldn’t avoid it, and she hit this metal object at over 65 mph. The results weren’t pretty. The SUV they were traveling in was crushed, flipping multiple […]
Will Work for…Dignity.
Love and Hate I have this relationship. It’s one of those relationships they describe as love/hate. Sometimes I’m absolutely in complete and total love with her. Other times I can’t stand the thought of her – the literal thought of her makes me sick. There are times, though, when I’ve been with her, and I […]
Take that step. It’s just a step.
The classics “We’re the safest folks in the world,” said Miss Maudie. “We’re so rarely called on to be Christians…” – Harper Lee One of the benefits of traveling to a Spanish speaking country is the lack of entertainment in English formats. You could definitely label this a drawback, but I’ve found it helps stimulate […]
Joy Unspeakable!! My day job, so to speak, is overseeing the children’s ministry of a local church – Cross Points Church. We call the kids ministry Cross Points Kids. I’m hired to be a children’s pastor, but my job is to lead a team of teenagers and adults who teach kids on a weekly basis. […]
Advent | The Word | It’s Alive!!
Advent Sunday, November 29 marked the official beginning of Advent season. Advent in the church is known as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for celebration of the birth of Jesus. In Latin, Advent literally means coming. Advent can also refer to the Second Coming of Jesus. So this Christmas (as with every Christmas) we […]