Stuck in a hard place, it’s easy to say, “This is just the way it is.” Nope. There is always a choice and salvation available to you.
Guard What’s Yours
God has given to you specific people, finances and dreams. They are yours from God. He is calling you to guard these gifts!
Submission: I’m Not Ready for Jesus.
Submission to Jesus is core to the Christian faith. Interestingly, while Jesus is all powerful, he doesn’t demand you to submit to him. He understands you may not be ready to submit. Jesus will give you space, but it doesn’t mean he will abandon you either.
3 Ways to Steal Back Your Identity
As a follower of Jesus, your identity is under attack. The enemy of your soul wants to steal it from you. Here are 3 ways to steal it back.
How Instagram stole my true identity
As a Jesus follower, your true identity is being adopted as a full child and heir of God. Satan used Instagram to steal my identity. Has the enemy of your soul stolen this identity?
Reclaim Your Identity: Made in the Image of God
My identity is found in being made in the image of God and being adopted as a child of God. So what does it mean to be made in God’s image? We are made in God’s image to remind and reflect God to all creation.
4 Truths about the Promises of God
The promises of God are available to you. It begins by being a child of God and continues by understanding four truths about God’s promises.
Leading through pain
Being a leader means experiencing pain and rejection – both real and perceived. How will you lead through offense? Read on for two options for you as a leader.
Complete: will nothing ever change?
Complete. This is just the way things are. Do these words run through your head? It’s a lie. Jesus has the power to change the impossible.
Is the wilderness God’s punishment?
We are guaranteed to walk through the wilderness, so it God’s punishment? Spoiler alert! It’s not, and you can prepare for it! Here are two steps to take.