Is your life built on a foundation that will last? At 18 years old, I learned the lesson of my life. I saw the result of a life built on anyone or anything other than Jesus. What is your life built on?
Grow + Overflow: Are you ready?
We are told by Paul to grow and overflow in God’s love. Sounds great! How do you do it? Here are three ways to grow & overflow in God’s love.
Is there meaning in pain + suffering?
Can you find meaning in pain and suffering? According to esteemed psychologist Victor Frankl and Christian tradition, yes. Read this article to find out how.
Christmas: The Culmination of Creation
Christmas is so much more than a baby in a manger. Christmas the culmination of the work begun at creation. That day, Jesus finished what he began, and it will come to full fruition when we enter into glory!
Guard What’s Yours
God has given to you specific people, finances and dreams. They are yours from God. He is calling you to guard these gifts!
Suffering: God of comfort or Comfort as god?
America worships comfort. However the Apostles taught suffering should be expected, and in our suffering we should find joy. When we rejoice together in the midst of pain, we grow!
3 Ways to Steal Back Your Identity
As a follower of Jesus, your identity is under attack. The enemy of your soul wants to steal it from you. Here are 3 ways to steal it back.
How Instagram stole my true identity
As a Jesus follower, your true identity is being adopted as a full child and heir of God. Satan used Instagram to steal my identity. Has the enemy of your soul stolen this identity?
4 Truths about the Promises of God
The promises of God are available to you. It begins by being a child of God and continues by understanding four truths about God’s promises.
Surviving Childhood: From Weeping to Refreshment
Navigating childhood memories can be difficult. However, what a valley of weeping can be turned into a spring of refreshment. Here’s how!